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How does this transatlantic cooperation work? Is there some kind of virtual rehearsal room? No, prior to our tours we meet and rehearse in Florida or in Germany. Actually I always meet the same people at the festivals all over the world. I was lead guitarist with Blaze Bayley, ergo toured with the British, CirclellCirle were from Florida and so on The international scene is not as large as it seems. How did a German keyboarder come to a band from Florida? Well, before I founded my own band SonsĤ 4 Yamaha MUSIC PRODUCTION GUIDE of Seasons I ve never played in a German band. Certainly, your most prominent role is being the keyboarder for Kamelot. Sometimes I was on the road for around nine months this year alone I was at home for one month - maximum. Other bands and tours followed, unfortunately that meant I was losing my regional contacts in the jazz and classical scene. After the tour they offered me the membership in the band and from that time on my contacts in the metal scene exploded. They were searching for a keyboarder who could also play guitar for the next tour. After so much musical seriousness : Why did you choose Metal as your favorite genre? Or has it just happened? I was still at the academy of music in Nürnberg when I received a phone call from the management of Doro Pesch, the German metal queen. For me, teaching is more fun than half-heartedly doing a production for a moderate band or singer. However I have to admit that I still work as a music teacher, because it is fun to teach good students. So I stood up in the middle of the lecture with the only thought: Even If I have to sleep under a bridge, from now on the only thing I want to do is making music and left the faculty. And because I couldn t count myself to the second group, I became aware that I already found my vocation in making music and being a musician. Then, one day in a lecture, I ve noticed I could organize my fellow students into two categories: There were those that were sitting there like in earlier school days, without any real interest, and those who listened to every word of the professor with ardent zeal. For this reason I also studied English literature and musicology in Tübingen. As every musician I had always doubts whether I could really live from making music.


Was the teaching profession intended to be your save harbor? Actually I have graduated a degree with a double major: music education and professional musician. But first you have completed your graduate degree in music education. Later on, you have had training on the jazz guitar at this point it was clear that you have found yourself as a musician. However, I still never stopped expanding my classical repertoire. From that moment on, no one needed to force me playing the piano. He taught me the basics of improvisation. My real love for the piano started at the age of 13, when I was taught by a blues- and jazz-pianist. My first teacher was a Korean with a very classical understanding of pedagogy - tears were flowing occasionally, but I ve learned a lot in a short period of time. Did your parents have to drag you to the piano lessons or have you enjoyed them? In fact it depended on the respective teacher - and over the years I certainly hab about ten teachers.

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You have received a very classical training on playing the piano.

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He mot only shows his talents in Kamelot, but is also associated with the Sons Of Seasons and other bands.

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3 Yamaha MUSIC PRODUCTION GUIDE 3 Interview: Oliver Palotai Although he was addicted to jazz for a long time, Oliver Palotai got into harder fairways and is now almost permanently on tour as a keyboard acrobat for bands from the international progressive and heavy metal area.

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